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Treatment Supplies

Treatment Supplies

Colon Hydrotherapy Machine Germany
Mașină de hidroterapie a colonului Germania? Maikong este partenerul tău global

Why Choose a Colon Hydrotherapy Machine from MAIKONG? Mașină de hidroterapie a colonului Germania?Are you considering a colon hydrotherapy machine in Germany for your clinic or business? While German manufacturers are renowned for quality, MAIKONG CO.LTD stands out as a global leader in health equipment manufacturing. Cu …

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MAIKONG Colon Hydrotherapy Device for Sale 2025
MAIKONG Colon Hydrotherapy Device for Sale Best 2025

MAIKONG Colon Hydrotherapy Device for Sale 2025: The Best Option for Health and Wellness Colon Hydrotherapy Device for Sale-When it comes to promoting digestive health and wellness, Colon hydrotherapy device is becoming an essential tool. If you’re considering a colon hydrotherapy device for sale in

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MAIKONGs Personal Home Colonics Machine 43
Transformă-ți călătoria de sănătate cu mașina personală pentru colonii acasă de la MAIKONG

Embrace the Future of Home Wellness Discover the cutting-edge world of home colon hydrotherapy with MAIKONG’s Personal Home Colonics Machine. This comprehensive guide takes you through every aspect of this revolutionary product, making wellness accessible right from the comfort of your home. Why Choose MAIKONG’s

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Colonic Machine
Mașina revoluționară a colonului: Un ghid cuprinzător

    Introduction of 560c Colonic Machine Item Name Data Power / Voltage 220V±22V Frequency 50Hz±1 Hz Running Environment / Environment Temperature 10℃~ 40℃ Relative Humidity 30%~75% Barometric Pressure 860hPa~1060hPa Continuous Running Time 8 hours Total power ≤1600w Liquid Flow ≥2L/min Water Temperature Range 10~40℃±2℃

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Semi Colon Machine
Unde să utilizați o mașină semi-colon

Unde să utilizați o mașină de semi-colon Ce este curățarea colonului? Curățarea colonului, cunoscută și sub numele de hidroterapie de colon, este o procedură care are ca scop eliminarea deșeurilor vechi și a toxinelor din colon folosind terapii pe bază de apă. Cum să eliminați deșeurile vechi din colon? Colon hydrotherapy is

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1/4″ Water Line
1/4″ Water Line

1/4″ Water Line Open colon hydrotherapy treatments require a water line to deliver treated water from the colon hydrotherapy device. The product is 4 feet long.  

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Flex Tube
Flex Tube

Silicon FlexTube positions the rectal tip for open colon hydrotherapy treatments and is essential for open treatments using the monkon open-top basin treatment table. Quantity is 50.

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Sfaturi rectale
Sfaturi rectale

  Rectal Tips Curved rectal tips are required for open style colon hydrotherapy treatments. Narrow and easy to position rectal tips are sold in quantities of 50.  

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